Handmade by UPTOSTYLE

Uptostyle’s mission has always been to present sophisticated, trendy, stylish objects and brands: to promote hitherto unknown or lesser-known products on a quality, clean platform. Where less is sometimes more, where values are not lost in congestion: where every object can be fulfilled, it can receive the attention and enthusiasm it deserves.


Why was the Uptostyle Handmade created?

Creativity and a passion for the arts are essential to our team. Each of our team members is a lover of design and fine arts: we value sophisticated designs, colors, textures, carefully crafted, beautiful objects. We know that everything that has been made with great care, by hand, is invaluable. That’s why it’s so special. We look at it differently, we approach it differently, it feels different to wear it.


Of course, it is also strongly part of minimalism as a way of life and a perception that we buy products that are not part of an astonishingly overproduction, do not pollute the environment and fully represent sustainability. We encourage our readers and customers to always try to buy according to the principle of “quality over quantity”: it is a long-term investment that pays off.


In recent years, Uptostyle has recruited a team where creativity manifests itself not only in writing articles, managing PR matters, dreaming and organizing photography, but also in the work itself. It slowly became clear that each of our team members was talented in some area of art: be it music, graphics, photography, jewelry making, and we could list more.


That’s when the idea for the Uptostyle Handmade was born: to showcase the work of young, smaller brands, creators, artists, craftsmen, designers whose not only style but even creed is the same as ours. We want to introduce people to objects that carry talent, careful, demanding, precise work, a long-term plan – and of course the creator himself.


Our editorial photography this time focuses on the works of these three talented creators – drawing attention to the harmony of beautiful objects, albeit distant from each other, but connected in a world of form, to the joy and beauty of art and creation. It is interesting to see how formal similarities and parallels appear within the different mediums of art, and when placed side by side, the works are strengthened independently of each other, regardless of the technique.

As a first act, Uptostyle Handmade is very happy to present its very first product family: Betty Berczeli (PR-marketing, stylist) and Bori Horváth’s exciting, abstract, handmade earrings. And to give these special jewels a dignified environment, we created the perfect venue in collaboration with sculptor Áron Mikus and the Studio36 photo studio.


Betty and Bori’s amazing earrings are made entirely by hand – this in itself makes each piece perfectly unique and special. Who wouldn’t want to wear a piece of jewelry that only has one in the world? 

The style is sleek and distinctly minimalist, with free, curved shapes and natural and pastel colors making the overall effect femininely elegant. Although synthetic plastics have been used in the use of materials, in some cases fruit and spices have been mixed into the material, so each piece carries a breath of nature.

Adél wears the earrings in photos combined with natural earth tones and simple-cut dresses, but there is no color and combination that would not be wasted by either type. In our previous article, we wrote about the conquest of blazers: this time, too, we smuggled in a masculine-style jacket that beautifully highlights the femininity of the earrings. You can also wear it with tangled or untangled hair, believe me, the jewelry will definitely look great!


In the puritanical, white space, we place three sculptures, these are the works of the sculptor Áron Mikus – they are currently at the top of the list of “young contemporary artists”. But Áron is not only on our top list, as with his latest reductive public sculpture project he won the first place in one of the biggest sculpture competitions in Budapest, which will be realized in the summer.

For our photography, we selected the sculptures ‘Space’, ‘Pyramid’ and ‘Chalice’, for which we are passionate not only because of our favorite minimalist style, geometric, clean, non-figurative shapes and formal connection to the earrings, but also because of the quality of surface treatment and workmanship. The glossy polished surface closes and perfects the shape, emphasizing the beautiful color and natural pattern of the material used, the limestone. Each piece in the series is in harmony with each other, as the artist created the following from the experiences of past sculptures.


What is the purpose of Uptostyle Handmade?

To make a name for these beautiful, precisely, demandingly executed works. Introduce the world to more and more talented young artists. Bringing art closer to people and showing them thousands of different, exciting forms. Emphasize the beauty and importance of artistic self-expression: whether it be at home at your desk or in a professional, well-equipped studio.


Model: Szegedi Adél  / Crisp Models

Photographer: Cseh Eszter Sára 

Styling: Berczeli Betty 

Creative director assistant & make up: Cselőtei Boglárka 

Hair: Horváth Kristóf 


Earrings: Uptostyle Handmade

Sculptures: Áron Mikus

Location: Studio36

Brown trouser suit, hat: COS (BigBag PR)

White ripped-knit top: Vintage Humana

Brown boat neck top: the stylist’s own

Black tight turtleneck: the stylist’s own

Black shoes: the stylist’s own

We thank the beautiful sculptures to Áron Mikus, the venue to Studio36, 
the clothes to BigBag PR, and the wonderful photos to Eszter Sára Cseh!

Written by Cselőtei Boglárka