Cosy Weekend at Home with HODINA

Cozy weekend at home – a special regarded time for leisure. Certainly, every woman loves their cozy and intimate time at home, and that’s what are weekends for.


After a long week of waking up early, a good cozy weekend at home is more than welcome. Take your time and have your worthy late-morning. Additionally, go and put The Beatles on the record player and light smelly candles. Also, spoil yourself with a brewed fresh pot of coffee and do your best to soak up staying in as opposed to braving the crazy weather outside.


We all love our end of a week, don’t feel guilty for letting the time pass, after all, that’s what our cozy weekend at home is for. Take a calm and steady rhythm, have the comfiest clothes, read a nice magazine or book, have a good face mask and just be casual. Weekends at home are usually our sweet days, where we make it a date out of it and enjoy home cooked dinner together with the loved one, catch up with TV shows and just hitting the refresh button.

The sweet cozy weekend at home was captured by us in the pictures we took in The Magazine Hotel

Watch: Madrona by HODINA in black

Pictures: Ancza Kriszti


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